Thursday, February 18, 2010

Convention Checklist Part 1/5 - Banners

Today begins our five part series on convention planning and materials. I will talk about what you need in terms of marketing materials to get the attention you want from the attendees. And I will give you ideas that will help you achieve top-of-mind awareness. Heed my advice and you will get more new clients from every trade show that you do.

Let's get started by talking about the piece that is usually the largest and will help attract attention to your booth or table; the banner. Too many booth jockeys (just coined it) over look the importance of having a sign at eye level. Convention attendees walk by hundreds of smiling faces. (Don't get me wrong, having a smiling face is important.) However, you will not stand out if you simply sit there smiling. You must to have some signage. Take, for example, the United banner.

A few points about our banner;
-Vibrant colors that meet our branding guidelines.
-Taller than the average person, so that people can see the banner, even if they are in a crowd.
-LARGE lettering so people can read it from almost any distance.
-Convenient and east to open, close, carry around, and store.
-Comes with its own carrying bag, and the entire package is actually very light.

Although our banner just has our logo, many companies find it useful to have their banners display some of their products and services.

There are so many types of banners out there; we can always help you find the right banner for you. I think that the retractable banner is perfect for busy convention booth jockeys because it looks great, it's light, and it's easy to set up.

Stay tuned for Part 2 of our series, coming next week!

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