Friday, February 27, 2009

NYCC Promotions, last one[s] I promise.

I know it's been a little while since I've posted, so to make it up to you, the reader, I will cover a couple of items tonight. We will start with the shirts that Sega was throwing into the crowd. Sega is a video game manufacturer for all major consoles. You may remember their lovable character Sonic the Hedgehog.
However, there were no cute and cuddly characters this time, folks. Sega was promoting their new games; "The Conduit" and "House of the Dead: Overkill". Click on the names to check out the game trailers. Here are the shirts;


I know the images aren't great, head over to our Picasa web album to see more detail on the designs.
As a good promotion always does, the shirts brought mobs of people to Sega's booth at the convention. There were gentlemen in full zombie make-up touting the arrangement; "hug a zombie, get a shirt", I'm secure enough to hug a zombie, and I'm glad I did. I then proceeded to demo both games, and I am excited for their release.
A major point about the shirts; they are tagless! If you are like me, when you have an uncomfortable paper or plastic tag hanging out of the back of your shirt it can become the bain of your existence. Sega has the foresight not to associate the killing of zombies with any uncomfortableness. Good job Sega!

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